Angular Front-end Development Performance React

Angular vs React: Which Framework Wins the Performance Race?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Are you tired of waiting for your web application to load? Are you tired of watching your screen freeze up every time you try to interact with it? Change detection is the answer! But which framework has the better change detection mechanism, Angular or React? Let’s find out.

What is Change Detection?

Change detection is the process by which a framework or library detects changes to data and updates the user interface accordingly. In the context of web development, this typically refers to the process of updating the user interface in response to changes in the application state or user input.

Angular Change Detection

Angular uses a change detection mechanism that works by traversing the component tree, starting from the root component, and checking each component and its child components for changes.

Angular uses a Zone.js library to implement change detection. Zones provide a way to intercept and track asynchronous operations, including those triggered by browser events, and trigger change detection as needed. Angular’s change detection algorithm works by traversing the component tree, starting from the root component, and checking each component and its child components for changes.

By default, Angular’s change detection runs every time an event occurs, which can result in performance issues in large and complex applications. To optimize performance, developers can use the on-push change detection strategy, which runs change detection only when the input properties of a component change or when an event is triggered by the component itself.

To use the on-push change detection strategy, you need to change the change detection mode of a component from default to on-push. This strategy requires careful management of the component state, and developers must ensure that all input properties of a component are immutable and that any changes to the state are made using pure functions. This can be done in the component decorator by adding the changeDetection property with the value of ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, like this:

import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-todo-component',
  template: `
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <button (click)="updateTitle()">Update Title</button>
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class ToDoComponent {
  title = 'My TO-DO List';

  updateTitle() {
    this.title = 'My TO-DO List for April 11, 2023';

In this example, the ToDoComponent is using the on-push strategy, which means that it will only run change detection when the input properties of the component change or when an event is triggered by the component itself, such as the button click event.

React Change Detection

React uses a virtual DOM (VDOM) to implement change detection. When a component’s state or props change, React updates the VDOM and then compares the updated VDOM to the previous VDOM to determine which parts of the UI need to be updated.

React’s VDOM allows it to minimize the number of actual DOM updates required, which can result in better performance compared to Angular. However, the VDOM approach can also introduce overhead, particularly in large and complex applications.

To optimize performance in React, developers can use memoization to prevent unnecessary re-rendering of components. Memoization is a technique that involves caching the results of expensive computations so that they can be reused later without recomputing them. By memoizing expensive computations, developers can reduce the number of times that components need to be re-rendered, improving overall performance.

Here’s an example of memoizing a value in React using the useMemo hook:

import React, { useState, useMemo } from 'react';

function ExpensiveCalculation() {
  console.log('Performing expensive calculation...');
  // ... expensive computation here ...
  return calculatedValue;

function Example() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);

  const calculatedValue = useMemo(() => ExpensiveCalculation(), [value]);

  function handleClick() {
    setValue(value + 1);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Increment Value</button>
      <div>Calculated Value: {calculatedValue}</div>

In this example, ExpensiveCalculation is a function that performs a computationally expensive calculation and returns a value. In the Example component, the useMemo hook is used to memoize the value returned by ExpensiveCalculation. The useMemo hook takes two arguments: a function that performs the expensive calculation and an array of dependencies that determine when the calculation should be re-executed. In this case, the dependency is value, which is updated whenever the user clicks the button.

When the user clicks the button, the value state is updated, triggering a re-render of the Example component. However, because the value returned by ExpensiveCalculation is memoized using useMemo, the calculation is only re-executed when value changes. This can significantly improve the performance of the application by reducing the number of unnecessary calculations.

Comparing Angular and React Change Detection

So, which change detection mechanism is better, Angular or React? The answer is, it depends on your application’s requirements. Angular’s change detection is more straightforward and easier to manage but can be less performant in large and complex applications. React’s VDOM approach is more complex but can be more performant by minimizing the number of actual DOM updates required.

To achieve high performance in both Angular and React, developers must carefully manage component state and use techniques such as memoization to optimize rendering. Developers should also be aware of the trade-offs between different change detection approaches and choose the one that best suits their application’s requirements.

To sum it up, Change detection is a critical part of any web application that involves dynamic updates to the user interface. Angular and React provide different mechanisms for implementing change detection, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. By understanding these differences and using best practices for managing component state and optimizing rendering, developers can achieve high performance in both frameworks. So, choose your framework wisely, and happy coding!

Angular Front-end Development

Exploring the Angular DevTools Extension: A Beginner’s Guide

Reading Time: 4 minutes

For debugging an Angular application some prefer debugger, some only know of console.log(), while some use tools such as Angular Augury or Angular DevTools. With this post I’m gonna introduce Angular DevTools.

Angular is a robust framework for building complex web applications. One important tools I prefer for developing and debugging Angular applications is the Angular DevTools extension, which provides a variety of features for inspecting and manipulating an Angular application at runtime. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key elements of the Angular DevTools extension and how they can be used to improve the development process.

First, let’s take a look at the Elements tab, which allows you to inspect the HTML elements of your application and see how they are rendered. You can see the component tree, view the properties and state of each component, and even make changes to the HTML and see the results in real-time. This is particularly useful for debugging layout and styling issues.

Chrome DevTool – Elements Tab

Next, let’s take a look at the Component tab, which provides detailed information about each component in your application. You can see the inputs and outputs, view the component’s lifecycle events, and even trigger change detection manually. This is particularly useful for understanding how a component works and troubleshooting issues related to data binding and change detection.

Angular DevTools Components

Another useful feature of the Angular DevTools extension is the Profiler tab, which allows you to profile the performance of your application and identify bottlenecks. You can see the time taken by each component to render, view the change detection cycles, and even record a profile of your application and analyze it later. This is particularly useful for optimizing the performance of your application.

In summary, the Angular DevTools extension is a powerful tool for developing and debugging Angular applications. It provides a variety of features for inspecting and manipulating an Angular application at runtime, including the ability to inspect HTML elements, view component information, profile performance, and inspect the state of your application. This extension can help you improve the development process and troubleshoot issues more efficiently.

More on the Components Tab

The Components tab in the Angular DevTools extension provides detailed information about each component in an Angular application. It can be helpful for an Angular developer in the following ways:

  1. Inspecting inputs and outputs: The Components tab allows developers to view the inputs and outputs of a component, which can be helpful in understanding how data is being passed between components and troubleshooting issues related to data binding.
  2. Viewing component lifecycle events: Developers can see the lifecycle events of a component, such as when it is created, updated, or destroyed. This can be helpful for understanding the behavior of a component and troubleshooting issues related to change detection.
  3. Debugging change detection: Developers can manually trigger change detection and view the resulting changes, which can be helpful for troubleshooting issues related to change detection.
  4. Understanding a component’s behavior: Developers can inspect the properties and state of a component and view the resulting HTML, which can be helpful for understanding how a component works and troubleshooting issues related to layout and styling.
  5. Inspecting change: Developers can track the changes in a component, and how they affect the overall application.

Overall, the Components tab in the Angular DevTools extension provides a wealth of information about the components in an Angular application, which can be extremely useful for understanding how a component works and troubleshooting issues related to data binding, change detection, and overall behavior of the component.

More of the Profiler Tab

The Profiler tab in the Angular DevTools extension provides information about the performance of an Angular application. It can be helpful for an Angular developer in the following ways:

  1. Identifying performance bottlenecks: Developers can profile the performance of their application, view the time taken by each component to render, and view the change detection cycles. This can be helpful for identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing the performance of the application.
  2. Analyzing performance over time: Developers can record a profile of their application and analyze it later, which can be helpful for understanding how the performance of the application changes over time and identifying patterns or trends.
  3. Debugging change detection: Developers can profile the change detection cycles of the application, which can be helpful for troubleshooting issues related to change detection.
  4. Identifying unnecessary re-renders: Developers can inspect the time taken by the component to re-render and find the unnecessary re-renders that might be causing performance issues. Pretty common when change detection strategy is not leveraged correctly.
  5. Identifying the cause of a slow app: Developers can use the profiler to see the call stacks and function calls that are taking the most time and identify the cause of a slow app.

Overall, the Profiler tab in the Angular DevTools extension provides a wealth of information about the performance of an Angular application, which can be extremely useful for identifying performance bottlenecks, understanding how the performance of the application changes over time, and troubleshooting issues related to change detection and unnecessary re-renders. This information can help developers improve the performance of their applications and provide a better user experience.

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